Saturday, November 14, 2015

Things You Need to Know Before Coming to Ireland!

When deciding to Study Abroad I thought Ireland would be the best fit for the environment that I wanted. I was not wrong because I love every minute that I have spent in Ireland. The people are so helpful, super friendly, and willing to help you out whenever you need. There were some things that I did not prepare myself for before coming to Ireland. Like rain, rain and oh yeah rain! Below is my list of items that you need to prepare yourself for before coming to Ireland.

1. Bring your best rain gear. When they tell you that is rains all the time, please believe them. Every day that I have been here it has rained at least once. Umbrellas can not withstand this wind that accompanies the rain. Many people around town carry umbrellas, but they never have them up. Also don't just believe that because your rain jacket keeps you dry in the good ole' USA it will keep you dry here. This is not true, and I can prove it because my rain jacket soaked through all my clothes while walking home.

2. If you let the rain control what you do, you will never get out of the house. This was one of the things that the Inspire Learning people told us before we came. This saying is so true. If we let the rain control our plans, we would never have gotten out of the house today, or even explored our new city! We would have never found a pizza delivery place, that we can get our tax back, or been able to find the post office to mail letters back home! So even if the weather is bad still get out because you are here to make memories.

3. You will soon become used to the sounds of rain. You would think that you would not grow used to the fact that is rains every day, but you do. There will come a time that you will not even care that it is raining. I can not say that it happens quickly, but it does happen.

4. Waterproof everything before you leave home. I mean everything from backpacks to shoes. When it rains every day, there is not enough time for you clothes to dry. So you will end up every day wearing wet clothing.

I believe that if you follow these simple rules then you will be able to stay dry in the wet country. I love Ireland so much, and I am learning to love their rain even more!

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